Become a member

Why become a member of ICT Business Srpska?

By joining and becoming an active member, you will contribute with your own initiatives and ideas to the initiation of necessary systemic changes in the business environment in the direction of building a rich entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Republic of Srpska, a society in which the innovative efforts of companies and independent entrepreneurs are encouraged and rewarded, and in which the ICT sector is a leader of progress and a sector of national importance interest. All initiatives will be directed through systemic efforts of advocacy and representation of your interests through the bodies of ICT Business Srpska and the Union of Employers. Together we are a stronger negotiator in the tripartite dialogue.

As a member, you will have exclusive access to information about business opportunities, regional and international projects, conferences, negotiations with institutions, and media coverage. By joining, you get a number of benefits.

Assistance to members

BFree legal aid - Educations - Technical support for defining development strategies and market research - Support in writing projects proposals and partnership

Member's rights

Election to the bodies of ICTBS, EES RS and institutions where UERS ICTBS provides its representatives - Participation in the creation of ICTBS and UERS policies


In solving problems with institutions - In contacts with foreign partners - Mediation with trade unions and international organizations

Informing members

Informing members through social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter..., Informing members through websites, newsletters, publications, through fairs and other ways

Presentation and negotiation

At the sessions of the National Assembly and its commissions and boards - In international associations and working groups for drafting laws or with trade unions and authorities


UERS and ICTBS propose and directly participate in the creation of policies, strategies, amendments to regulations, adoption of new laws and collective agreements

Become a member

    Contact us


    +387 51 337 482

    Working hours

    Mon-Fri 9:00 - 17:00