About us

About us

Association of employers of information and communication technologies - ICT Business Srpska

An independent, non-profit association of employers and other legal entities from the territory of the Republic of Srpska that perform activities in the field of information and communication and other related activities. It is one of 15 associations of the Union of Employers of Republic of Srpska, an organization that gathers employers from the private and public sector on a voluntary basis, whose mission is to represent their interests, provide appropriate services, and establish and improve business relationships.

Association of employers of information and communication technologies of the Republic of Srpska, with headquarters in Banja Luka, Đure Daničića 1/II St., 78 000 Banja Luka, was registered in the unified register of citizens' associations in the Basic Court in Banja Luka, under number F - 1 - 111/20 on December 28, 2020. The person authorized for legal representation is Bojan Vuković, president of the Association. The abbreviated name of the Association is ICT Business Srpska. 

Vision of ICT BS

The vision of the Union of Employers of the Republika Srpska is to become an organization that, through the practical experience and reputation of its members, contributes to the growth of employment, sustainable business, the affirmation of a favorable investment climate and the development of social dialogue, all with the aim of creating, through partnership with institutions, a society of work and prosperity.

Republic of Srpska is a prosperous, digitally transformed and sustainable society of entrepreneurial individuals and companies with equal opportunities in which innovative IT companies are the carriers of development and progress.

Mission of ICT BS

Our mission is to inspire the launch, growth and development of innovative startups and existing companies in the field of information and communication technologies.

By building a productive innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Republic of Srpska in which, through the cooperation and partnership of key actors from the governmental, real, academic and non-governmental sectors, ICT BS and ICT member companies strongly contribute to the development of sustainable innovative entrepreneurship in the digital era, through the implementation of project activities, education, interdepartmental and international cooperation.

ICT Business Srpska goals

o Improvement of the business environment through advocacy of members’ interests

o Gathering of employers, capital owners, managers and other persons around common interests in the spheres of business improvement, transfer of knowledge and experience

o Promotion and protection of employer’s interests and freedoms, protection of private property, market conditions of business and favorable business environmen

o Initiating and participating in bipartite and tripartite social dialogue with trade unions, institutions and organizations

o Determining their representatives in tripartite and bipartite bodies

o Determining the salary policy

o Construction and implementation of the Code of Conduct for Employers

o Raising business ethics among employees through their own examples

o Enabling access to projects intended to support business

o Establishment of services for members in order to improve business

o Involvement in higher forms of activity and international associations

o Other activities in accordance with the objectives of the establishment of the Association

Project activities

ICT BS actively deals with analyzes of the impact of the application of existing legal solutions on the business results of IT companies and independent entrepreneurs, analysis of the needs of companies and entrepreneurs, networking with related associations, creation of strategies and partnerships with institutions, lobbying, education and cooperation based on the Triple Helix model.

Partnerships and cooperation

ICT BS is open to cooperation and partnership relations with institutions, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies and independent entrepreneurs from the ICT sector, but also from other sectors based on mutual respect and common interests. As an integral part of the Union of Employers of Republic of Srpska, we have established partnership relations with ministries in the Government of Republic of Srpska, with a special partnership relationship with the competent Ministry for Scientific-Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society. To initiate cooperation and partnership, contact us.